Design Problem: 
Create a brand identity for your capstone studio that represents your class as a whole and your time throughout your undergraduate career at NC State College of Design. 
A team of three designers and I grouped together to figure out how to best represent our class and work. The final brand is meant to be light-hearted, energetic, expressive, and imperfect. 
Brand Statement: "Bleed and Slug" refers to the areas that surround the outer edge of a printed document: they provide a space for designers to put comments, instructions, and guides necessary to help trim down the document to its final presented page size. Bleed and Slug represent the unseen, yet essential, part of a designer's process. ​​​​​​​

Bleed and Slug is a collaboration between Lucia Boehling, Amanda Jones, Nicole Procter, and Bridget Brosnan.

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